Magdalena Garzon

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Choreography. My work and personal interests focus on Body Weather training and somatic practices. I am interested in bodywork and expression in different contexts and social groupings, with an approach based on the standpoint of socio-educational projects. I received a grant from Barcelona’s Institut del Teatre’s Applied Performing Arts Observatory to develop and approach for dance education for people with visual impairment involving creation and audio description in dance. Since 2020, I have been a regular partner of the exhibition accessibility team at the CCCB.


Research into visual impairment-related accessibility. The project’s goal is to develop and expand research work began in 2017 around performing arts creation in the field of visual impairment and has the mission, in this case, of performing an in-depth analysis of audio description practices and methodologies in the field of dance. The goal is, in light of the contradictions arising from today’s ocularcentrism, to twist and distort the situation of accessibility for blind people, in a poetic landscape that, via the complicity of the different components of the performing arts and the stage, engages a variety of senses.