Serrucho are Ana Cortés, Paadín and Raúl Alaejos. Their first show, Archivo, premiered at Madrid’s young urban music festival Imperdible. In Spain, they have performed at Festival de Otoño (Madrid), Escena Abierta (Burgos), Festival TNT (Terrassa) and MeetYou (Valladolid). Before being named Serrucho (handsaw), Serrucho were called Serrín (sawdust): a theatre collective that explores physical and audio-visual devices to find new formats in the field of art and communication. Today, Serrucho is a theatre company that likes to work with objects. On stage, Serrucho have worked with the visual artist and choreographer Olga Mesa, Compañía Doctor Alonso, with Nilo Gallego and Chus Domínguez in their project Orquestina de pigmeos, which mainly puts up performances and site-specific interventions.
- 2022 · collaboration with Festival TNT · Objeto-Tiempo