Under the title ‘Inventarnos, entre piedras y nuestras lenguas mitológicas’ (Inventing Ourselves, Between Stones and Our Mythological Languages), Marcela Santander will lead a free workshop on the afternoon of November 22nd at Graner. The Chilean choreographer is in a creative residency at Graner as part of a dialogue and a program of cross-residencies between Graner and La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne, with her own project Bocas de Oro.
“Inventing Ourselves, Between Stones and Our Mythological Languages” arises from the desire to create ephemeral communities with people of all ages, origins, and genders, to explore together topics related to our bodies, as well as artistic, political, and social issues.
What thinking tools, what care or collective rituals do our bodies need today?
Can we question the powers that constitute us?
What are the real or imaginary powers that we would like to develop, enhance, bring forth, or, on the contrary, expel from ourselves?
What powers would we like to sensitize?
Where can we find tenderness in strength and vice versa, strength in tenderness?
“Inventing Ourselves, Between Stones and Our Mythological Languages” is the result of the European project Empowering Dance II – The Soft Skills Teaching and Learning Approach, in which Marcela Santander Corvalán participates as invited by La Briqueterie – CDCN du Val-de-Marne.
- Date: Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022
- Time: 5 PM to 8 PM
- Location: Graner (C/Jane Addams 14-16, 08038 Barcelona) How to get there
- Registration: Limited spaces, free registration at info@granerbcn.cat
Marcela Santander
Born in Chile, she trained in theatrical dance at the Scuola de Arte Dramatica Paolo Grassi in Milan, and later in contemporary dance at the Centre national de danse contemporaine in Angers, under the direction of Emmanuelle Huynh. Alongside her training, she studied history at the University of Trento in Italy and graduated in dance from the University of Paris-8. In 2016, she participated in the Danceweb program during the Impulz-Tanz festival in Vienna.
Since 2011, she has collaborated as a performer with choreographers Dominique Brun Sacre #197 (2012) and Sacre #2 (2014), Faustin Linyekula Stronghold (2012), Julie Nioche Nos amours (2017), Ana Rita Teodoro Plateau (2017) and Fofo (2018), Volmir Cordeiro Eye, mouth and the rest (2017) and Trottoir (2019), Mylène Benoit Archée (2021). She also collaborates with choreographer Mickaël Phelipeau: Chorus (2012), Pour Ethan et Set-Up (2014), Kritt (2016), Footballeuses (2017), and in the artistic direction of À DOMICILE in Guissény in Brittany in 2019.
She has been developing her own projects since 2014, when she began an association with Quartz, scène nationale de Brest, which offered her a conducive experimentation field for personal projects. In February 2015, she co-signed the piece Époque with dancer and choreographer Volmir Cordeiro. In March 2016, she created her first solo, Disparue. In July 2017, she created MASH, a project jointly signed with Italian choreographer Annamaria Ajmone. In November 2019, she created Quietos en Manège, scène nationale de Reims as part of the Born to be alive festival. In 2020, after an invitation from POP in Paris, she co-signed with Hortense Belhote a performative conference on the theme of listening titled CONCHA – Histoires d’écoute. She is currently preparing her next piece, Bocas de Oro, for October 2022.
Marcela Santander Corvalán was an associated artist at Quartz, Scène Nationale de Brest from 2014 to 2017. She is currently an associated artist at La Manufacture, CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux • La Rochelle as part of the program supported by the Ministry of Culture.
Image: El gigante dormido by Paula Duro and Alejandro Sordi.