Barcelona City Council program that brings the Creation Factories network into dialogue with different museums in the city, with the collaboration of the Barcelona Grec Festival. Thus, a series of museum and heritage spaces in the city become a stage for the residents of the creative centers that participate.

Projecte de recerca compartit entre quatre fàbriques de creació —l’Ateneu Popular 9 Barris, La Central del Circ, el Graner i Fabra i Coats— al voltant de la creació artística amb les comunitats i al territori.

Canal is a project of the Paris National Dance Center to generate a common space-time to make visible artists and projects linked to the dance sector. In its 2024 edition, Catalonia has been invited as a territory and has been co-organized by all the structures that have participated.

The Moujuïc Festival (started in 2021) proposes a weekend of dance programming in the spaces of Montjuïc Castle. A program co-curated by Graner that is complemented by a mediation proposal that accompanies the proposals by doing public and accessibility work.

An artistic celebration with a wide range of languages ​​that, promoted by the Barcelona City Council, offers free activities throughout the weekend co-created by some forty cultural facilities that inhabit the Montjuïc mountain.