Mercat de les Flors i Graner are once again collaborating within the ENRESiDENCIA program, curating and overseeing residencies. This year, UNAUNA, a symbiosis between choreographers and dancers Laura Lliteras and Marina Fullana, will be at the Moisès Broggi Institute (in the Camp del Arpa del Clot neighborhood), and the collective Si los martes fueran viernes will be at the Institut Escola Antaviana (in the Roquetes neighborhood).
SI LOS MARTES FUERAN VIERNES with 3rd ESO students from Institut Escola Antaviana
Si Los Martes Fueran Viernes (SLMFV) is a space for the creation and production of instantly composed stage pieces: An improvisation house. It was founded in October 2018 in Barcelona to create a space and a community around the study and practice of instant composition. More than 150 national and international artists have participated in its productions and the following spaces have collaborated as stage territories: Mercat de les Flors, La Caldera Barcelona, L’animal a l’esquena, El Graner, l’Akasha Hub, Nau Bostik, Oracles Teatre , La Lleialtat Santsenca, Valid World Hall and Espronceda Institute of Art&Culture, among others. Their productions include the series Los Capítulos de SLMFV (2018-2020), the cycle Los Cortos Viernes (2020/2021), the project Antes que se acabe el mundo (Argentina, 2022-2024), the Festival d’Improvisació Escènica ENEMIGOS ÍNTIMOS and Casa Nostra, co-produced with the Mercat de les Flors. Alongside its stage projects, SLMFV has generated an open space for research and practice on instantaneous composition: The Laboratorios de Improvisación Escénica. These laboratories share and develop the project’s own action methodology. The Labs have taken place in different venues in Barcelona, such as Graner, L’animal a l’esquena, Àrea Espai de Dansa i Creació, Nunart, Dau al Sec and Pla Roig, and also more recently, at the Out of The Toolbox festival in Gant, Belgium.
Institut Escola Antaviana is known for an educational approach that considers inclusion and attention to diversity as one of its main objectives. Its pupils are a very broad cross-section of the social spectrum of the neighbourhood and show a very high degree of diversity in terms of individual educational needs and socio-economic background. Antaviana also has strong links with families, the neighbourhood and its facilities, such as the Ateneu de Nou Barris, which is a reference point for the entire educational community.
EN RESiDENCIA is a program of the Barcelona Institute of Culture and the Barcelona Education Consortium, devised in cooperation with the A Bao A Qu association, which brings creators to work throughout an academic year in the classroom. This work, which concludes with the presentation of a piece, in this case linked to dance and movement, intensively and significantly brings together creation, education, and mediation