Throughout all these years in which I have approached schools as a dancer and creator, I have learned a great deal and also asked many questions. How do artistic-dance processes help children in the school environment? I have been particularly interested in reflecting on and practicing dance as a self-regulator of emotions, as a renewing communication practice, and as a facilitator of a state of quality attention. Around these 3 questions, we will share practices and reflections that I hope will become tools to integrate the body and dance as a meaningful complement in the growth and learning processes of children and their companions.
Silvia Sant Funk: As a young dancer, she has worked with various national and international choreographers. Together with Mònica Muntaner and Bea Fernández, she forms the creation collective Las Santas, with whom she coordinates and directs La Poderosa – a space for dance and its contaminants. During that time, she creates her own pieces and drives the activities of La Poderosa. Later trained in Coaching and NLP, she puts her knowledge about the body, movement, and creativity at the service of individuals, educating on essential topics such as well-being, presence, and communication to individuals, young people, and professional groups. At the same time, she is involved in projects that bring dance and scenic creation to schools and institutes throughout the territory: Todos Dansen, en Residencia, Mapa de Baile, Tiempo de Arte, Caja de Herramientas. She has created and directed, along with Mònica Muntaner, the piece Umhlaba significa mundo in Zulu for this year’s Tot Dansa.
Workshop Dates: January 31, March 6, and April 17, 2024, from 3 pm to 6 pm at Graner.