Graner, with the support of Iberescena (Iberescena Residences Programme 2014) and Mercat de les Flors designed the Interpolation project, an international project under in dialogue with Ojo publication and the Transregional Observatory project.
Interpolation was a dialogue meeting that paid attention to the coincidence or not of artistic practices between different artists from different contexts, based on the concept and definition of interpolation, understood as the action of obtaining new points based on the discrete set of points, understanding the person as a point and the whole as the sum of people. A meeting between 5 people who did not know each other to see what interpolations of artistic thought generated between them.
In their first edition of the project, the countries and creators involved were: Tania Solomonoff (Argentina-Mexico), Ayala Hernández (Uruguay), Cristina Blanco (Spain), Cláudia Müller (Brazil), Bárbara Pinto (Chile).