Carolina Campos

I’m from Brazil and live in Barcelona. I’m interested in methodological approaches that reflect communities and partnerships in dance. Since 2012, I have, in partnership with Portuguese choreographer João Fiadeiro, been researching into Real-Time Composition, a tool that studies and practices decision-making in improvisation and in creation. This research has given rise to educational projects, the creation of pieces and artistic support for a number of artists. My work as an author can be defined as along lines that run between the languages of film, performance and photography. I completed the MACBA Independent Studies Programme in 2020 and, in Brazil, I worked at Lia Rodrigues Cia de Danzas between 2008 and 2011. I am a resident artist at La Escocesa.

  • 2022 · open call · Buraco

The gloomy area in which a passion for looking lives alongside darkness is the place for finding forgotten images, composing with possibilities that were never activated and putting into contact entire communities of ways of doing things that never saw the light of day. BURACO delves into the innards of creative processes and produces narratives of continuity from what is rejected when pieces come into existence.