Caterina Mora
I invert intent North in South, South in North. I come from Fiske Menuco (the Argentine Republic) and from the Rucapillán Volcano (Republic of Chile). I have lived in Balvanera and Almagro (Buenos Aires). I currently live in the Ixelles neighbourhood (Brussels, Kingdom of Belgium) and on the Kungshatt island (Stockholm, Kingdom of Sweden). I aim to promote reading and pleasure practices, dance as an interrelational apparatus for the confrontation with others. I stand for formal education and the public institutions. I am undertaking a PhD at SKH Uniarts, at the Department of Dance. I hold a Postmaster’s, Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees. I do perreo on my own, I also dance tango and sail a boat. I don’t have any Instagram account and never walked into an IKEA store.
- 2022 · c0llaboration with el Festival Sâlmon · una otra conferencia-performática (más bastarda que barata)