Macarena Recuerda Shepherd

Macarena Recuerda Shepherd is trained in performing arts, theatre and dance. Although she has a degree from the Institut del Teatre, what really interests her are participatory projects that aim to create new forms of encounter with art. Since 2012 her research revolves around the role of the spectator. She invents new spaces to play, create and think in company. Her research is divided into two lines of work, one line of research on language on stage and the other on participatory and pedagogical spaces.

She has carried out different projects in collaboration with the artists Sofía Asencio, Idurre Azkue, David Franch, Txalo Toloza and Vicente Arlandis.

Photography ©Gorka Bilbao

Residency project

If it were a movie is a piece that explores the possibilities of sound in cinema as a way to rethink the theatrical scene. It features a sound that dramatizes, fictionalizes, or redefines the images it touches, creating a sense of strangeness, humor, or transforming into a metaphor, moving from the believable to the unreal. This overlap of narrative elements—sound connected to the cinematic and the scene—reveals the potential of both. Sound as a generator of unlimited possibilities, and the scene with its limitless code of representation.

Residency archive Graner

  • 2025 · collaboration with Antic Teatre · If It Were a Movie
  • 2020 · open call · The Watching Machine

Residencies videos