Raquel Klein

I consider myself an artist interested in the body and space. I studied choreography and interior architecture, which is why my connection with spaces is always a turning point in choreographic thinking. What does it mean to choreograph a space? What choreographic potential do places hold? I wonder how to occupy them, how to transform them, but more importantly, how to make them a place to be, to remain, and to share a common space. Letting the gaze design, the body occupy, and allowing choreography to emerge from this state of being. For me, choreography appears when you look at it, when you take the time to contemplate.


Photography ©Carlos Martínez-Peñalver



Reflex one arises from the need to deepen on the format and compositional forms extended in time. To work the scene from the own pictorial composition, creating spaces from corporal states that include the spectator as part of this landscape of permeable sensitivity. Opening the questioning of the physical and pictorial relationship of the viewers and how it affects their integration and influence on the relief.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raquel.klein/
Instagram: @raquelkleinn

Foto ©Mila Ercoli

Raquel Klein’s residency is part of the Institut Ramon Llull’s international residency / mentoring program.

Residency project

El contorno del paisaje (The Contour of a Landscape) is a solo piece, a continuation of the body-landscape research. A combination of spatial design, installation, and choreography of the elements that appear in the scenic frame, an exploration of the luminous and scenic atmosphere as part of the choreographic composition of the body.

Residency archive Graner

  • 2025 · open call · El contorno del paisaje
  • 2021 · open call · Reflex one
  • 2020 · collaboration FF90
  • 2018/19: International residency with Creative Meeting Point: Hong Kong x Barcelona (with Institut Ramon Llull)

Residencies videos