El Graner for the 23-24 school year will continue developing the educational project in four of the educational centers in the Marina neighborhood: CEIP SEAT, CEIP Pau Vila, INS Montjuïc and INS Domènech i Montaner. The objectives of the Caixa d’Eines 2024 edition by Graner have been: transversality (coordinating all the involved agents to establish objectives and strategies together and to achieve shared goals), co-design (co-creating the proposals reinforces transversality and equity in the final implementation of the strategies by involving the agents), equity (working from equity allows flexibility to design proposals based on the specific reality of each neighborhood), and sustainability (social and cultural transformation projects require working from a sustainability logic, especially within the framework of the Pla de Barris, as an extraordinary municipal program).
This school year, we are taking a more extensive and in-depth approach at the center level. We have aimed to deepen the project’s dissemination within the center (regarding primary education) and at least among the course teaching teams in secondary education (given the dimensions). This involves being more present in the building, especially in secondary education, causing more reverberation. We have also set a specific goal to hold at least one or two meetings between the teachers and artists of the different educational projects (at the secondary school level) and to transfer the classroom experiences to the families, enhancing the format of family sessions at Graner. Regarding the teachers, they are informed about the dance programming, the training workshops (teacher training at Mercat, training at Graner), as well as the artistic experience for the students.
Based on all these objectives, the parameters/criteria considered when determining the continuity of the projects (one of the elements to keep in mind is sustainability over time and consolidated implementation; therefore, if we review the last school year, we see that we have opted to maintain some of the same projects for more than one year) have been: the viability of continuing the project, in terms of content and learning development, the predisposition and availability of the artist to continue, the general definition of the educational center in the selection of projects it wants to prioritize, and an initial specialization in the center and the possibility of deepening the contents and methodologies to continue developing strategies of relationship and link between the artistic and pedagogical aspects.
The Graner educational program is part of the Caixa d’Eines program, promoted by the Pla de Barris de Barcelona, which involves introducing artistic practices into the school curriculum with the aim of reducing inequalities between the city’s neighborhoods.