Sonarlo todo
Research about the the sounds of everything that surrounds us using different systems of representation, generation, and capture. The methods of translation between sound, gesture, and writing have allowed the creation of an incipient personal dictionary, a coding of the particular language that represents the group. Making everything we say, everything we see, everything we tell each other with our bodies sound. Making each other sound. Rewriting ourselves through sound. Inventing languages.
Oscar Bueno: With an approach that is constantly shifting between musical, choreographic and visual parameters, Óscar Bueno defines himself as a creator, but also provides support for the creative processes of other artists. He has also produced a number of investigations on sound and stage in projects such as Sonidación (Soundtrack, Estudios para sonidación, Amarillo Chillón) and Los paisajes ajenos (Apoyatura, Vientos). He has collaborated and continues to collaborate with a variety of other artists, such as Cuqui Jerez, María Jerez, Cris Blanco, Anto Rodríguez, Amalia Fernández and Itxaso Corral.
Docent de referència: Imma Solé
El programa d’educatius del Graner s’emmarca dins el programa Caixa d’Eines, impulsat pel Pla de Barris de Barcelona, que consisteix en la introducció de pràctiques artístiques dins el currículum escolar amb l’objectiu de reduir les desigualtats entre els barris de la ciutat.