History of the programs promoted by Graner

A shared learning and thinking space where to share the tools we work with and the issues that concern and concern us. A space that, with an indeterminate periodicity, invites different professionals to share their particular experience, their practices, methodologies and work tools.

Support project for creation, a laboratory meeting of artists from the same generation (the 90s) to share a space-time together, think about it together, traverse it together, and practice it together, within diverse contexts of visibility.

Research and development program for current management projects in the performing arts context, with a first phase focusing on digital management processes and a second phase concluding with a study on calls for artistic residencies.

Pilot project (Artistic Expansion Program) that establishes a dialogue among culture, innovation, and business, aiming to develop effective and respectful organizational models and collaboration methods within artistic creation, promoting a fair relationship among cultural agents.

A dialogue meeting that focused on the convergence or divergence of artistic practices among different artists from distant contexts. A meeting between 5 artists who did not know each other to see what interpolations of artistic thought were generated among them.

Project under the auspices of the Temporada Alta Festival, focused on contemporary creation and the artistic mobility of the 1980s generation, which included various actions to create community and joint reflection, as well as to support the artistic careers of the participants.