PROTO (SN1806) takes as its starting point the phenomenon of supernovas. What if we come together and let ourselves die and explode and then see what other imaginaries appear? We are interested in and challenged by these experiences of heat, explosion, visibility of the different layers that compose us, luminosity, death, enrichment of space, and formation of new systems. How can we explode together and generate new, more collective, brighter, and less catastrophic scenarios? To experience this “last hurrah” together and create new ways of being in community. Because every end has a beginning. A journey from earthly terrain to the most astral. A space that returns us the integrity and strength of collective warmth.
First public presentation of PROTO (SN1806), within the framework of the Graner’s Open Studio program and as part of the Boombeta activities cycle.
- Date: Saturday, July 15th
- Time: 7:00 PM
- Location: Graner (c/Jane Addams 14-16 how to get there)
- Free entry with prior reservation at
Director: Janet Novás // Performers: Yuantao Gorriz, Julia Kayser, Danielle Mezquita, and Janet Novás // Dramaturgy: Ricardo Santana // Artistic accompaniment: Pablo Lilienfeld // Sound design: L’Voix // Lighting design: Cristina Bolívar // Costume design: Emma Megias and Clea Ventura // Image: Virginia Rota // Production: Adriana Reyes // Acknowledgments: Lucía Díaz, Mery de Lorenzi, and Roberta Ruggiero.
Co-production: Janet Novás in co-production with the Xunta de Galicia through the Galician Choreographic Center, TNT Festival (Terrassa), and Auditorio de Tenerife // With the support of: Graner, dance and live arts creation center (associate artist 22/23) and Canal Dance Center.