Do Nothing is a chimera, like searching for the Holy Grail. This unsolvable question has been in Ventura Garriga’s mind for some time, and today it serves as the starting point for this artistic proposal, which is a dialogue between Ventura and Mariona Naudin (artist-in-residence at Graner) with the collaboration of Odil Bright on sound accompaniment. Apparently, the Western imagination links *doing* with *being*: what we do defines our identity. This credo, which places action at the center, often forgets the constant and silent activity of plant life, which serves as the perfect counterpoint in this case to review our hyperproductive rhythms and our extremely anthropocentric way of viewing the world in this moment of paradigm shift.
Do Nothing is a dialogue between three humans and the Historic Botanical Garden, in which we have tried not to add anything extra and use the resources of the place itself to generate the scenic proposal.