Juan Carlos Lérida

My name is Juan Carlos Lérida, dance interpreter, pedagogue, choreographer and dance researcher. Sometimes, choreographic director and festival curator. I have been researching the “Flamenco body” for over 20 years. My method for teaching and creating, that I call the “Flamenco Empirical Method”, focuses on extending the perspective and practice of the arts of movement, taking flamenco as a focus point and strategy for crossing contemporary action and thought at artistic events. Rigorously committed to research and creation through different methods of expression, transmission and creation of Flamenco dancing, I continue my new project on artistic research, teaching and creation, approaching Flamenco, in this case, from ordinary and common places and bodies.


  • 2016 · with Mercat de les Flors · Al baile
  • 2019 · resident artist – open call · La liturgia de las horas

*portrait photographs: Daniel Olsson


This is a research and creation process that will be consolidated into an itinerant artistic event lasting 12 hours, based on a meeting with guilds and collectives. “La liturgia de las horas” took place through 6 paintings that were conceptually inspired by the number 12 and dramaturgically by an abstraction of the path of Jesus Christ. From the last supper to the resurrection. Extrapolating these references to Flamenco, I will rely on observation and meeting with daily spaces and bodies (mechanics in garages, gyms, chefs…) The aim of the project is to integrate public and private places from the neighbourhood next to the theatre, creation centre or performance hall that are interested in supporting and presenting the event. The event will include music and dance with 12 artists, in a performance piece supported by the physical poetics and essentials of Empirical Flamenco regarding the axes of the project.